Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Winning Viral Video Storyline

A middle-aged guy goes to an outdoor Summer concert by himself. He used to be an avid, accomplished social dancer and danced tap, jazz also in those times. He has been a corporate workaholic for many years, career has gone very well, but he is single (never married or divorced becuse his career took so much of his time his wife gave up and left him) and kind of lonely. He entices a few women to dance a few styles of dance he still remembers well, and does okay leading them. The band is "so hot" the crowd is dancing almsot into a feverish flush. Spontaneously a "dance jam" starts, and dancers are dancing awesome hip-hop, breakdance, jive, jig, lindy-hop, and East coast swing steps in a small circle within the tightly packed crowd of 250 dancers in front of the band. Even though he would never step out and stand out because of preserving his corporate image, this time he does, and the young man who was a great dancer many years ago comes out and he dances eye-popping steps he had created as a young dancer. Cell phones are filming from all directions, and local news channel gets called to come down. All his compatriots at work see this, and to his surprise, instead of losing sight in the eyes of others at the corporation, he is more respected and liked.

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